About Us

The Pennsylvania AAA Federation was formed as the Pennsylvania Motor Federation by six automobile clubs, encompassing 750 members, on March 1, 1906 in Philadelphia. The purpose of the Federation was to secure organized action from motorists around the state in order to promote the enactment of reasonable motor vehicle laws and secure a system of improved state highways. In 1907, the Federation became the Pennsylvania Division of the American Automobile Association and expanded its Good Roads Campaign to pass national legislation like the Federal Highway Act. The Federation grew to as many as 105 auto clubs and expanded its services to include distribution of state maps and touring maps. The Federation was instrumental in the creation of our system of State Highways and was an important factor in securing the adoption of the Road Bond Issue Constitutional amendments and the construction of the Lincoln Highway (Route 30). The Federation successfully opposed repeated efforts to impose unreasonable fees and taxes on motorists.

For more than 50 years, we have provided messenger services for AAA club member/non-member driver license and motor vehicle transactions that are submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for processing. We provide education to AAA club staff members who complete driver license and motor vehicle transactions and are an approved PennDOT Agent Service Trainer. We offer classroom agent service training at our facility in Harrisburg, PA or On-line Basic or Advanced Agent Service Training on our website.

Today, the Pennsylvania AAA Federation is an association of Automobile Clubs in Pennsylvania, each directly affiliated with AAA. The Federation comprises eight AAA clubs, encompassing over 2.9 million motorists. The Federation develops and recommends policies for member clubs in matters of other than local concern and represents the clubs in such matters; encourages and develops safe and convenient travel conditions, services and facilities; promotes the construction, maintenance and use of efficient and adequate systems of safe and convenient highways, airways, railways, seaways, and any other means of travel. The Federation also works to inform and educate the traveling public and all motorists in the principles of traffic and travel safety and in other matters concerning travel and motorists in general, and protects and advances the best interests of the traveling public and motorists in general.